Future food systems

Product design

In addition to training and arranging workshops, VÄRT is also a design agency. There we work with product design.

Som designbyrå är vår specialitet och expertis att omvandla svinnprodukter till nya hållbara ”support”-produkter. Istället för att ni slänger hjälper vi er göra det till supportprodukter.

We help you develop support products that increase your CSR, generate visibility, and last but not least; your revenue.

The solutions we design are sometimes integrated into the primary business but can also result in collaborations with other companies. One way or another, we offer you new exciting ideas, strategies, concepts, packaging options, and solutions. koncept, förpackningsalternativ, och lösningar.

So contact us to describe your current situation or your future plans. Then we help you achieve your potential. We do this through our network, our knowledge and our experience. Sustainable-waste-product development.


What are waste and support products?

A waste product is the part of the product that is not considered to have any use and is therefore often thrown away. There are also other names such as side stream or by-product. But instead of you throwing the products away, we help you turn these products into support products. In other words, secondary products that ensure that most of the basic raw material can be used in parallel with your main product. As a result, it becomes other products rather than waste. Because we refuse to accept the "you can take a little waste" attitude, we are passionate. Instead, we help you reintegrate loss or excess by-products back into your production.

Products and companies we worked with

Under the page -cases - you can read more about previous projects like these:

  • Lantmännen - projects on the future of grains and side stream development
  • Cajom i Fjärås – new products from horseradish and also concepts for using the leafy greens
  • Bärta in Karlshamn - recipe development, events, and flavour labs for their svenska tempeh.
  • Steksmet in Stockholm - events for sustainable food at Frihamnsdagarna / Kulturkalaset
  • Bar Juice in Gothenburg - concept development for pulp and dried products of juice waste

What we do

Sustainable workshop


Studio kitchen